Editing the Certification Program Profile

The Certification Program Profile contains an edit button to allow you to edit the information about the Certification Program.

To edit the Certification Program Profile, use the following steps:

  1. Go to Modules > Certification > Program Mgmt > Find, Query, or Add Certification Program > Certification Program Profile and click the Edit button. The Edit-Certification Program page opens.
  2. Edit the Program Summary section fields as described in the table below:
  3. Field Name Required? Description
    program code Required Enter the identifying code for the new certification program in this field.
    program name Required Enter the "friendly" name of the new certification program in this field. This is the name users will see when searching for certification programs.
    program type Optional Expand this drop-down menu and select the type of certification program being added.
    program description Required Enter a short description of what the new certification program entails and any other information that users may find helpful.
  4. Edit the Process Summary section fields as described in the table below:
  5. Edit the Requirements Summary section fields as described in the table below:
  6. Click the Save button to save your changes and return to the Certification Program Profile. Click the Delete button to delete the Certification Program. Click the Cancel button to return to the Certification Program Profile without saving your changes.